Physical Social and Health Education (PSHE) at Chipping Warden Primary Academy
The teaching of PSHE at Chipping Warden Primary Academy is both taught, following the Coram Life Skills Curriculum (SCARF) and covered discretely in other curriculum areas on a daily basis. Through PHSE, the children can acquire the knowledge, understanding, skills and strategies required to live a healthy, safe, responsible and balanced life for now and in the future. British Values are also taught through PSHE and through out school values.
Our intention is to help children reach their full potential and develop enthusiasm for life-long learning so they are equipped for future opportunities, experiences and become valued members of society. We teach this vision through the six core values of Community, Courage, Creativity, Enjoyment, Respect and Responsibility and the associated key characteristics.
Our Relationships and Sex Education Policy (RSE), below, forms an important part of this area of education. Within this policy you can read the long term plan for PSHE which focusing on a different area each term.