Curriculum Overview
Please click here to read our Multi Academy Trust Curriculum Vision.
Our Curriculum Vision
At Chipping Warden Primary Academy, we want to develop the whole child in a safe, happy and caring school environment, ensuring all our children get off to “a flying start”.
Our intention is to help children reach their full potential and develop enthusiasm for life-long learning so they are equipped for future opportunities, experiences and become valued members of a Modern British society. We teach this vision through the six core values of Community, Courage, Creativity, Enjoyment, Respect and Responsibility and through our British Values of Democracy, The Rule of Law, Individual Liberty Mutual Respect and Tolerance.
Our curriculum runs on a two year cycle in school as we have mixed year group classes. This year (2021-22) we are on Cycle B. The curriculum has been developed over the last two years and has a termly Inquiry Question as a learning hook for each class. This allows for each class to explore the learning through their own context.
Our curriculum is ambitious across all of the subjects for all of our children. We have three key concepts that thread through our curriculum: Progress, Legacy and Society. We want our pupils to understand that society has evolved and changed overtime. They should realise that different communities have faced many difficulties and barriers and that we can consider progress to have both benefits and challenges. We want the pupils to understand the influence of different and diverse communities from the past and to know that we can learn from their achievements and how they may still be influencing us now in the present. This knowledge and understanding of how society has formed overtime will ensure that the pupils care for the communities and the environment about which they are learning and thus are able to take their place as responsible citizens.
Across the curriculum, leaders across the school have worked to ensure that knowledge is built overtime to give the children opportunities to deepen their understanding by making meaningful learning links to prior knowledge. For example if the children as asked to compare and contrast two locations within the UK and Europe then we make sure that they have the knowledge that underpins the enactment of this key skill. This is the current version of our curriculum below. Please also visit our curriculum pages to find out more information about each subject.
Should you wish to find out anything further about the curriculum then please contact the Head Teacher.
Our teachers plan the learning for the children with our key concepts at the centre. The document below shows you the framework for this. It also shows you how we seek to bring in the community to support learning where possible.
We are very excited to inspire our values of Creativity and Enjoyment by celebrating the work of artists and composers each term. These works are broad ranging in terms of period, gender, style and influence. This helps us to educate the children in knowledge of the arts and to introduce them to works that might encourage them to enjoy something old or indeed something new!