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Chipping Warden

Primary Academy

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Are You Ready For Learning?

Our School Motto


We look after you,

We look after me,

We look after the school,

We stay in the space.


We all use our School Motto as a framework of reference to remind us all how to behave with each other around school. It gives us a shared, empathetic approach to behaviour management.

Behaviour Expectations

We believe that good behaviour is central to a good education. We believe that behaviour needs to be managed well in order to provide a calm, safe, supportive learning environment which children want to attend and where they can learn and thrive, Understanding what ‘expected behaviour’ behaviour looks like and being taught how to behave appropriately is vital for all pupils to succeed personally and ‘get off to a flying start.’

Adapted from Behaviour in Schools Guidance, DfE, Sept 2022

Our behaviour expectations are regularly shared with staff, parents and children both in weekly assemblies and also in the newsletters. Families new to the school are also given our behaviour expectations so our school is a predictable, calm environment for all. We seek to support all children to be able to demonstrate these expectations and when children require it, we ensure children are educated and supported to achieve success.

Behaviour Expectations

Regulating Emotions

Achieving self-regulation is key to managing unexpected situations and navigating our emotions throughout the day and Zones of Regulation is the whole school approach we use. Children are familiar with the language and it forms part of our behaviour curriculum. We use visuals in the classrooms and support is put in place for children either through whole class teaching or focused activities.


House Teams 

We have four House Teams Lancaster, Wellington, Spitfire and Hurricane. Children can earn house points for a variety of school activities and each term the House Team with the most points chooses a reward for their team. 

Weekly Awards 

Each week we celebrate the successes of our pupils at celebration assembly. 


Class Star of the Week awards are presented to children from each class who have demonstrated our termly School Value.


Children who have completed work to an exemplary standard will be presented with a 'Work of the Week' or 'Wow' award. 


We also have a very special 'ACE' award for children who have demonstrated our values as a whole. This is a personal award given separately and unexpectedly, without an audience and parents will be informed that their child has been given the certificate via email.



We also encourage children to bring in certificates/ rosettes, etc of  their achievements out of school so we can celebrate and acknowlege these.



Examples of our School Awards
