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Chipping Warden

Primary Academy

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Attendance Matters

Come to School and Enjoy Yourself!

We want to work with our parents and carers to ensure our children really enjoy their learning 100% of the time! Where there are barriers to attendance then we will work with you to ensure that your child gets the best education every day. Please find below our letters that will support you with up to date information about your child's attendance.

Click here to access the inclusion team at West Northamptonshire Council who support with attendance. West Northamptonshire Council have asked all schools to ensure that families are referred to them for any absences over 5 days.


Under Section 444 Education Act 1996, irregular school attendance:

West Northamptonshire County Council's criteria for issuing penalty notices for unauthorised term time absence is 5 school days. We are therefore obliged to refer any absence of 5 days or above to the School Attendance Support Service (SASS) for their consideration of further action, which may result in the issuing of a fixed penalty notice of £60 per parent per child. This could then increase to £120 if the penalty notice is not paid within 21 days, and will result in a court summons if it is not paid within 28 days.

Our School Day

The school day begins for all pupils at 8.50am and the doors to school open at 8.45am to allow the children to get to school in plenty of time. The school day ends at 3.15pm for all classes. Children will exit the school building via the doors to the playground. This amounts to 6 hours and 25 minutes per day and 32 hours and 5 minutes per week.



Registers are taken twice a day, at 8.55am every morning and at 1:00 every afternoon. Where your child arrives after the register then they will be marked as late. The office is notified of any child’s absence after each registration and will contact parents and carers where the absence has not be reported to school.


Please inform the school office as soon as possible and by 9.15 am at the latest on the first day of any absence. You will need to phone or contact the school on each day of absence explaining the reason for absence. 

Term time holidays or absences are not authorised unless there are exceptional circumstances. If you wish to remove your child from school for any reason then please contact the school office for a leave of absence form.



If your child has sickness or diarrhoea you must keep him/her at home for at least 48 hours after the symptoms have ceased. If your doctor has prescribed medicine for your child but has said that they can attend school, please bring the medicine in to the school office where you will be asked to complete the appropriate form so that the medicine can be administered.


If your child is taken ill at school, every effort will be made to contact parents or authorised contacts, it is therefore essential that contact details be kept up to date.
